Sons Of Congo

Sons of Congo is a healing movement that transforms men into influential leaders and champions of change for their families, their churches, their communities and their nation.



Over 90 percent of perpetrators of the gender-based violence in DR Congo are men. Before the civil unrest, Congolese men were raised with very clearly defined ideas of what it means to be a man: strength, emotional stoicism. A culture of impunity, violence, sexual assault and genocide, and high levels of male unemployment have thwarted men's ability to step into their God-given roles as protectors and leaders.

Sons of Congo (SOC) began in 2010 to address broken and wounded men through a unique Bible-based curriculum. Through SOC, we remind men that they need to cherish and protect their wives and children. This strategy is effective and foundational in the fight against human rights violations. Over 40,000 men have graduated from this program.

Through a series of 16-week biblically based discipleship classes—three hours per session, once a week—men are educated on responsible masculinity. Small groups range from 5 - 10 disciples, and once a man completes the course, he’s expected to start his own class. By targeting men through relationship-based education and discipleship, we address a broken and wounded masculinity which contributes to ongoing violence. Graduates of the program then multiply the impact by starting their own small groups.

Rather than solely focusing on supporting victims, we believe men must be part of the solution. One cannot change a culture without first changing the dynamics within a family. The prevention of violence begins in the home. When we reach out to the source of the problem we can work to help them transform into better champions for their families and communities. We are changing the culture of a nation, but indelible change always starts in the home before it reaches the communities beyond.



Sons of Congo curriculum uses a Bible study framework to demonstrate how women should be cherished and respected. It provides pastors with leadership training while focusing on developing small groups that come together to learn and take action.

Weekly small groups bring together leaders in the community – including men in churches, military and police – who engage the young men in conversations on taboo topics like sexual violence and empower them to change their hearts towards the women in their lives. Other topics include leadership development, self identity, responsible masculinity and respect for women and children.





Restoration of the men's meeting program in churches


Changing the culture of a nation by first changing the dynamic within the home


Improved initiative to lead family dialogue and prayer times – between married couples and with children


Increased self-esteem and exposure to ethical male leadership

Feeling active participation in the development in one’s community as well as in one’s country, instead of waiting for the government to act


  • Initiation of a money savings system for a possible investment in an income-generating project

  • Discovered self confidence as each man realizes their capacity to be a changemaker and determine their life mission




  • 40,742 men trained on the first and second part of the SOC curriculum in Goma, Kinshasa, Mbuji Mayi, Sud-Kivu, Butembo, Beni and Bunia

    • 8,148 (20%) of those men were actively involved in the program

    • 32,594 men (61.01%) were exposed to the program through a Sons of Congo group discussion

  • 1,547 men graduated from the Sons of Congo program in 2020

  • Over 600 active small groups throughout Eastern DR Congo

  • 90% men trained directly by the staff of Sons of Congo were assisted either individually or in groups for psychological support

  • More than 1,000 men have given their life to the Lord through the power of the teachings of the Sons of Congo curriculum

  • Operating in eight cities as well as an additional 11 villages

  • $48,000 annual budget



“My husband humiliated me a lot, even in front of visitors. After he went through the Sons of Congo program I saw that my husband had changed. Now when I ask him a question he answers very gently. I realized that there was a change in my husband's heart.”

— Ale Yemima, wife of SOC graduate

"I will begin to pray for our leaders; then I will practice offering my forgiveness to those who offend me, even to my enemies, as we have learned through the scriptures so that I can be freed from my own anger.”

— Donat, from Beni DRC

“My choice to follow God in Christ opened many doors for me: a trip to the capital to meet my partners who help me fulfill my vision of helping the orphan children of agents who worked at the DGDA (General Directorate of Customs and Assisi) which I am part of as a leader. I can have a good influence on more than 150 young people in North Kivu.”

— Patrick, from Rutshuru DRC




Do you think that the DRC will recover in terms of development? +

If we, the Congolese, become aware that we are part of the solution by rejecting passivity and becoming proactive in the midst of adversity, then DRC will recover first in the home, then the community at large and finally bring hope to the nation as a whole.

What happens to the men after training with Sons of Congo? +

A graduate learns to become part of the solution in his home and community as well as the DRC. We aim for it to one day reach beyond borders and touch every corner of the world.

Men practice entrepreneurship to succeed financially, then what? How would they find an investment fund? +

First they identify a need that they can meet in their environment while earning a profit. They plan for the future by following an entrepreneurial framework. Next, they are trained in basic business practices. Then, they are coached by an experienced entrepreneur to advise on loans or a subsidy from a financial institution.

Is it hard to start a group? +

No. The prospective leader needs to go through one of our seminars and we will walk them through establishing their group. We have the curriculum and will do follow up consultations to make sure the leader is progressing productively.

Is the curriculum exclusively for Congolese Culture? +

Although within the Congolese cultural context, the lessons created use Biblical principles and are based on His universal truths. They can be adapted for men of all cultures who are looking for a new way to live that is aligned with their God-given purpose.

Are there unexpected outcomes? +

The small groups have collaborated to begin small businesses in order to better provide for their families. These include startups in agriculture, livestock, energy, culinary arts, telecommunications, manufacturing and so much more.


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