Anifa’s childhood was shaped by feelings of intense rejection from her mother, who had wanted a son. Instead of encouragement, Anifa felt unloved in her mother’s eyes. Her struggles with self-confidence carried over in her studies. It took five attempts to pass high school before she could attend the university in Goma. A consequence of her emotional wounding, Anifa remained extremely introverted, sometimes going weeks without speaking.
Everything changed when a college friend introduced Anifa to Africa New Day. The warm smile Esther Ntoto welcomed her with was something very new to Anifa.
For the first time, she felt accepted, believed in, and loved, as Esther poured kindness into the young woman. Anifa began to see herself in a more positive light and decided to attend Africa New Day’s Leadership Academy. She rose to the top of her university class, which she attributes directly to attending the academy. She went on to start her own survey company, performing data analysis and hiring eleven employees.
Today, Anifa is a confident, compassionate leader who exists to guide people and give hope. She started a second company, Fortuna, where a staff of twenty-four employees help fight poverty.
Not only did Africa New Day show her a successful way forward in business, it changed the way she saw herself, and through Christ, allowed her to make peace with her mother. She actively fights violence and poverty for those in Congo and empowers them to break through hopelessness like she did. Her faith in herself is changing the nation.
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