Dieudonné is a young man from a village near Goma. He came across the Africa New Day ministry and began to listen to Camille’s teachings on leadership.
“When God hears the cries of the people, we are the ones that he’s sending,” Camille explains. “When you see a problem and it grabs your heart, don’t dismiss it too quickly. It may be that you have a part to play in its solution.”
Returning home, what once seemed normal—so many illiterate women—Dieudonné saw as a problem he could solve.
With no resources but his determination, Dieudonné encouraged unemployed teachers in his village to educate these women. Then he replicated this success in neighboring communities.
From one man’s vision, 328 Congolese are learning to read, and eleven unemployed teachers have a restored sense of value. At no cost and with unlimited potential.
It cost us just $233 to create a leader like Dieudonné.
Help us surpass our 2019 goal to create 3,000 more.