“Motherhood is the mystery of creation. It is also pain and suffering, with tears of joy when a woman accepts pregnancy and gives birth. The pleasant suffering that gives indescribable joy when you have them in your hands.”
These aren’t our words, but the words of a loving mother, Claduine, who shared her beautiful reflections on motherhood with us recently. In celebration of mothers, motherly figures and the meaningful people in our lives, we had the pleasure of speaking with Claudine and Clarisse - two inspiring mothers in the Deomocratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who work at Un Jour Nouveau. We invite you to explore our conversation with Claudine and Clarisse below to learn more about their unique experiences as mothers.

What do you like best about being a mother?
- Claudine: The affection between me and my children, the time we spend together as a family gives me the joy and happiness of living. The baby’s innocent and loving gaze conveys a feeling that makes you want to forget all of life’s worries. Their hugs and kisses create a stress-free and enjoyable world. Even when they cry, they still come back to kiss me to be calm.
- Clarisse: I love unconditionally loving another being and loving them until death.
What’s the biggest surprise of motherhood?
- Claudine: The pain of childbirth. I had heard and read about it before but when it was time to experience it, that’s when I knew what it really meant. To contrast, the happiness the baby brings immediately afterwards cannot compare to the pain. I forgot the pain and had a radiant face of joy when I saw my children. It is unbelievable.
- Clarisse: The greatest surprise as a mother was forgetting myself and having a reason to struggle. And the evening laughter...what a colorful and pleasant world.
What hopes do you have for your children?
- Claudine: I believe my children will be successful in life. I communicate optimism and a positive spirit to them. I teach them to be true leaders that the world can count on. I show them the way of God from an early age and believe He will lead them to do what their Father and I did not.
- Clarisse: In terms of hope for my children, I would like them to go further than us on all different planes, they will reach dimensions that we as parents have not reached. A life of fear and of God to break through.
Can you share your favorite memory or story about your family?
- Claudine: I’ll always remember the times we spent, very often, with the family in the evening around the fireplace, roasting fresh corn and telling funny stories. We always ended up getting life advice from mom and dad. They made blessing statements upon us each time and we can see the achievements today, even while they are no more. It’s a culture that I’ve embraced too. Knowing that the word creates, I bless my children daily and pray for each of them.
- Clarisse: I remember one afternoon coming back from church, my eldest daughter asked her father if she should wait for little brothers and sisters because already having one little brother gives her joy but also more work. It is so fascinating to discuss with a 3 year old girl on the number of children to have, which according to her, she will have to be the big one who will have to take care of her little ones.
What are the links between the impactful work you do in the DRC and the journey to become a mother?
- Claudine: I really like my work with Un Jour Nouveau. Restoring hope and the joy of living, rebuilding lives, lifting up women and children gives me a feeling of being a mother to the communities we serve.
- Clarisse: Motherhood is a continuation of my call. Especially since I discovered UJN. Being Principal of the UJN Primary School, I learned to love, accept, help and promote children even before becoming a mother. But now being myself a mother, this still allows me to do my work with more wings and passion because a child is a gift from God and each child is special. As a mother, my concern is to help children discover, develop and deploy their potentials because this is my wish as a mother.

Their words may seem simple, but beneath lies a complex reality of what it's like to be a mother in the DRC - a place where women and children experienced regular violence for a long time. Today, the DRC is entering a time of hope – and we see that unfold as mothers like Claudine and Clarisse build bright futures for their children, families and entire communities.
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