Meet Jospin Boudin
Jospin is a 16-year-old boy from Kitchanga in DR Congo.
Jospin’s story is one of struggle, resilience and hope – and we’re grateful to him for allowing us to share it here.
Jospin grew up in a poverty-stricken family. After his father’s passing, his mother struggled to meet their family needs as a single parent. Ultimately, this led to Jospin abandoning his home in favor of living on the streets of Goma.
Like many of our brothers and sisters in Goma, Jospin did all he could to survive. This very difficult period of his life led him to several vices – rape, theft, drugs and alcohol – as a method for coping.
A Lost Son
Four months after he left home, Jospin’s family were mistakenly led to believe that he had died in a bus accident during the clash between the Babaza rebel army forces and the state army of the DRC, better known as the FARDC. While Jospin battled the evils of the streets for many more years, his family organized a mourning for their lost son.
Hope in the Darkness
Years later, a friend of Jospin’s introduced him to Africa New Day (AND) and recommended its Generation Hope program as an opportunity for free meals, continuing education lessons, and ultimately a beacon of hope in the darkness.
Only two months after discovering Generation Hope, Jospin relocated and began living at Africa New Day’s center in Kituku, where he studied various life skills including baking, literacy and carpentry.
The Reunion
After spending several months at the center and learning about Jospin and his story, we worked together in an attempt to reach out to Jospin’s family and reunite them. At first, the family and village were in disbelief – they believed Jospin had been dead for several years.
Upon the arrival to his village for the first time in years, Jospin immediately met and reconnected with his mother. After spending time with his mother and her confirmation that Jospin had in fact returned, the village welcomed Jospin home with joy and open arms.
A Rebirth – and a New Story
Jospin now hopes to go back to school, use the carpentry skills he’s honed through AND’s center, and continue his education to find a job that will support himself and his family.
“I do not have the words to thank Un Jour Nouveau for changing my life,” says Jospin. “With all the knowledge I have acquired, I am going back to my village in order to help my family. May God bless you!”
Read more about how our Generation Hope program is supporting the journey of people just like Jospin by clicking here. If you'd like to support this meaningful work, there are many opportunities to get involved. Click here to learn more.
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